Largest Industrial Park in India - SMIP India

An Industrial park is a territory anticipated the reason for Industrial turn of events. Mechanical parks are typically situated on the edges of or outside the primary territory of a city and regularly furnished with great transportation access including street and rail. Setting of putting land aside through this kind of drafting depends on a few ideas. To have the option to give foundation in a delimited region to lessen the per-operational expense of that framework. Such framework incorporates streets, railroad sidings, ports, high-power electric supplies, top of the line correspondences links, enormous volume water supplies, and high-volume gas lines. Sojitz Motherson Industrial park is a joint endeavor improvement venture of Samvardhana Motherson Group, India and Sojitz Corporation, situated in Japan. This Industrial park in Chennai and is situated at Singadivakkam and Mummalpattu towns of Kanchipuram area, which is 2.7KM from National Highway NH4 Sojitz Motherson Indust...